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Tell me more about what a Counsellor offers their community members..

Can you tell me more about what a Counsellor offers their community members? Can I claim Medicare Rebates for Counselling or Psychotherapy services on my Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP) that I receive from my General Practitioner (GP)?

CCWA Blog - The Brain


Thank you for your question. This is a big, yet a very important topic to tackle! I'll do my best to break it down for you!

Take your time to revisit these points (as well as those in the second post) as you need to for better understanding of how our mental health systems work in support of our clients.


Part A - What is Medicare About? (brief)

Medicare is based on a Medical Model:

  • Mental Health Practitioners (e.g., Clinical Psychologists, Psychiatrists),

  • Disability and/or Medical Practitioners (e.g., Occupational Therapists, Speech Pathologists, Physiotherapists),


  • Medical Health Practitioners (e.g., Paediatricians, Medical Specialists, General Practitioners (GP)) are registered members of the regulated body to provide their clients and patients with a Medicare Medical and/or Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP).

A MHCP allows the client to access services that meet the Medicare criteria. If the client meets the Medicare criteria, they may receive a Medicare Rebate such as a limited amount of free therapy sessions (in extenuating circumstances) or a limited amount of discounted therapy sessions over one year.


Part B - What Our Counsellors & Psychotherapists & Clinical Counsellors Offer

  • Counsellors (Non-Medicare Registered):

Our Counsellors provide a balance of mental health, practical skill-building strategies and goals when working with their clients. We focus on social, and emotional well-being needs. Although we do not diagnose, it is good practice that our Counsellors are knowledgeable in understanding the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5).

  • Psychotherapists & Clinical Counsellors (Non-Medicare Registered):

Our Psychotherapists and Clinical Counsellors are trained to support our clients with more complex mental health needs. And follow the DSM-5 manual a little more closely.

  • Overall:

Overall, our Counsellors, Psychotherapists and Clinical Counsellors are not governed by the Medicare Rebate (Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP) and are not regulated or registered members of the Australian Health Provider Regulation Agency (AHPRA). However, they are trained to work with clients with mild to moderate disability and mental health diagnoses such as ADHD, Autism, anxiety, depression and more.


Part C - What Our Clinical Psychologists & Psychiatrists Offer

  • Clinical Psychologists & Psychiatrists (Medicare-Registered Providers):

Our Clinical Psychologists and Psychiatrists are qualified to assist you, our clients, with Medicare Rebates (discounted/cash return) on their invoices for a limited number of therapy sessions.

Like our Psychotherapists & Clinical Counsellors, our Clinical Psychologists and Psychiatrists are also trained to support our clients with more complex mental health needs. And also follow the DSM-5 manual very closely.

However, unlike our Psychotherapists & Clinical Counsellors, they are qualified to complete DSM-5 assessments and make official DSM-5 diagnoses on behalf of their clients and patients. Psychiatrists also prescribe medication to certain patients to support mental health balances within the brain (i.e., Schizophrenia).


Your Feedback is Appreciated

All in all, this is just one perspective about the Australian Medicare Medical, Mental Health services!

What type of perspective do you propose? Do your views differ/agree or are they somewhere in between?

How important is having access to Medicare Rebates / Private Health Rebates / NDIS funding / Medical services for you?

CCWA Blog - Peanuts Psych Help

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