Circle of Security Parenting (COSP) Workshops
What Is The Circle Of Security?
Circle of Security Parenting (COSP) is a workshop for parents and caregivers who seek to strengthen their relationships bond with their children.
Circle of Security Parenting (COSP) is a secure-based attachment program where we meet once a week to increase our awareness of how our little people communicate their needs to us both when they explore the world around them and when they turn to us to help them fill their emotional cup back up again before heading out for more adventures.
Sessions Are Run:
*Groups (meeting new like-minded or family & friends coming together)*
*Individuals*Parenting Pairs*Couples*
What To Expect During Your Circle Of Security Sessions
My name is Denise, I am a registered Counsellor and Circle of Security Parenting (COSP) facilitator who is passionate about supporting families build upon their unique relationship with their children, family, adolescents, friends and colleagues. Together, in a safe space, we share our parenting strengths and vulnerabilities so that we can start putting a words and strategies to strengthen our parenting ways. By looking at our past triggers, it allows us to move forward with make new and positive changes within the future of parenting styles.
How The Circle Works!
Circle of Security Parenting (COSP) is an 8-week course. We meet once a week in either group, individuals & parenting pairs (couples, caregivers & separated parents who co-parenting together).
At the beginning we set goals to give us direction. Having a direction allows for confident learning and trusting our parenting ways.
Reminding yourself that you already have the inner-knowing of how to shape happy and spirit children.
Memorable Client Connections
I have met the most amazing parents and caregivers throughout my journey as a Circle of Security Parenting (COSP) facilitator. I have been fortunate to be entrusted with shared stories from childhood and parenting stories with their own childhood and with their own children, today.
My favourite part of the Circle journey is seeing the parents have their very own ‘ah ha’ moments. I see glimmers of self-believe appear each week as parents begin to trust in their ability to strengthen their connection with their children.