The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) has released the new Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits for 2024-2025, effective 01 July 2024.
There have been amendments made to NDIS Travel and NDIS Psychology rates.
- There are no other changes or increases made to the 2024-2025 NDIS Price Guide.
What this means for our NDIS Participants:
1) NDIS Travel
a) Previous NDIS Price Guide 2023-2024:
Up To: $0.97 cents per kilometre (KM)
b) Current NDIS Price Guide 2024-2025:
Up To: $0.99 cents per kilometre (KM)
Increase for NDIS Travel up to $0.02 cents per kilometre (KM)
2) NDIS Psychology
a) Previous NDIS Price Guide 2023-2024:
Up To: $214.41 per NDIS Psychology hourly rate
ii) WA, SA, TAS, NT
Up To: $234.83 per NDIS Psychology hourly rate
iii) Remote
Up To: $328.76 per NDIS Psychology hourly rate
iv) Very Remote
Up To: $352.25 per NDIS Psychology hourly rate
b) Current NDIS Price Guide 2024-2025:
Up To: $233.99 per NDIS Psychology hourly
- Increase up to $19.58 per NDIS Psychology hourly rate
ii) WA, SA, TAS, NT
Up To: $244.22 per NDIS Psychology hourly
- Increase up to $9.39 per NDIS Psychology hourly rate
iii) Remote
Up To: $341.91 per NDIS Psychology hourly
- Increase up to $13.15 per NDIS Psychology hourly rate
iv) Very Remote
Up To: $366.33 per NDIS Psychology hourly
- Increase up to $14.08 per NDIS Psychology hourly rate
- Please Note:
Funding in existing NDIS Plans that have been approved before 01 July 2024 are calculated to meet the NDIS 2023-2024 Price Guide.
If NDIS Travel and / or NDIS Psychology funding is approved in your next NDIS Plan, you will receive funding at the updated, higher rate.
- Considerations:
Talk to a trusted NDIS Representative about how the new NDIS new rate rises may impact your current NDIS funding.
Consider recalculating / stretching your NDIS budget that will allow you to continue accessing your NDIS team for the remainder of your NDIS Plan.
! Remember to ask your Service Providers to hold separate funding for your future Progress Reports in preparation for your next NDIS Meeting.
! NDIS participants are experiencing extensive wait times for their next NDIS Plan to approved by NDIA.
- Change of Circumstances (CoC):
Your NDIS Representative may be able to assist you to request a NDIS CoC (CoC) meeting.
Check with your NDIS Representative if you are likely to meet the CoC criteria or require additional evidence and reports for your CoC meeting.
NDIS may decline your CoC request if your disability-specific does not meet the criteria.
Scheduled NDIS Plan Review meetings are generally held 3 months before your NDIS Plan's end date.
2023-2024 NDIS Price Guide PDF:
2024-2025 NDIS Price Guide PDF:
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